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Ultimum Refugium


World of WarCraft

Гильдия Альянса - Ultimum Refugium

Наш сервер - RPPVP Sporeggar

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Вы здесь » Ultimum Refugium » Технический раздел » Не могу воити на сервера БГ vindication. Help

Не могу воити на сервера БГ vindication. Help

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С такой проблемой столкнулось вчера еще несколько знакомых. Вроде это Телии проблемы. То бишь приходится тупо ждать пока оно само решится. Иногда помогает cmd->ipconfig /flushdns.



Тоже не могу (



это знак с выше. "Пора вам в ПВе)"



Это больше похоже на "Пора вам в реал"



офицеры UR не должны знать, что такое "Реал"))



ппц ребята так что делать кто решил проблему ? 2 дня не могу играть



Вчера вов работал, а теперь опять нет. Близзы тупые свиньи



ну сегодня поиграл, завтра посмотрим как будет



Гыг, нас что по очереди пускают?



Thank you for your interest in World of Warcraft.

If you are having problems connecting to only the Sporeggar World of Warcraft realm please follow the steps below to troubleshoot this issue and if the problem continues respond with the further information requested.

The first thing to do before troubleshooting this issue is to reset the game client to default settings so we can troubleshoot from a known good configuration. To do this you can run the repair program from the shortcut in your World of Warcraft folder in the Start Menu All Programs. If you cannot find it there you can also reach it as follows:

Right Click on your World of Warcraft Shortcut on the Desktop and choose Properties
Click the Find Target button in the bottom left of the Shortcut tab.
This will display the World of Warcraft folder.
Double Click on the Repair program

When the repair tool runs choose the Reset and Check files option. This will create a backup of your WTF, and Interface folders and your Cache files before resetting them and then begin scanning your installation for any problems.

The next step is to verify there are no issues with your connection. To do this make sure you have followed the steps below; please do so even if you have already done so to confirm there are no problems.

First please make sure you have all the latest critical updates from http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com

Next clear the DNS cache in your router and your computer. To do this first disconnect the power from your router/modem for at least five minutes before reconnecting. After your internet connection has been re-established flush the DNS cache on your computer by following the steps below.

- Click Start and then Run
- Type cmd in the run box and click Ok
- In the Command Console window that has appeared type: ipconfig /flushdns
- After typing the above command, press Enter to execute it and then close the window

After trying this test to see if you are able to connect or if the issue persists.

Next you should make sure you have the latest drivers for your computer. Specifically if you are using a USB modem you should ensure you have the latest USB drivers for motherboard or USB add-on card as well as any modem drivers. You should also check for any firmware updates for your modem.
If you are using an Ethernet connection you should ensure you have the latest drivers and then configure the driver settings and disable any options for checksum offloading. We have also seen situations where a network cards auto detect has made only half duplex connections so it may also be wise to set the speed of the card to 100 full duplex.
More information about this can be found in the following FAQ article.
http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article. … leId=19465

If you are using a router in your connection you should ensure you have the latest firmware updates from the manufacturer installed. After applying these it is best to reset the router and then configure it again as the settings can often become corrupt between firmware updates. You should also confirm it is correctly configured to allow World of Warcraft traffic to pass. You can find information on how to do this at the following page.
http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article. … leId=19445

You should also ensure that any firewalls are correctly configured to allow World of Warcraft traffic to pass information on how to configure a number of popular firewalls are available at the following FAQ page.
http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article. … leId=19442

Some firewalls work on a per application basis and may require updated or new programs to be explicitly allowed access through the firewall. Norton Internet security is one such program that a large number of our players use if you receive an "Unable to connect" message try following the steps in the following FAQ page.
http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article. … leId=21477

We have also seen a large number of firewalls that can have problems even if configured correctly, possibly due to corrupt firewall rules. Usually these can be resolved by restoring the default firewall rules to your firewall and then configuring the firewall again. Information on how to do this can be found from your firewall manufacturer’s website.

The next step is to rule out any programs running in the background that may be causing network issues; you can do this by running Windows in a selective start-up.
http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article. … leId=19382

You should also ensure you have no viruses, malware or spyware on your computer that may be causing these problems. Please check the following page to find information about how to ensure your computer is secure.
http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article. … leId=19385

Once you have done all these steps re-enter the game and try to reproduce the problem. If the problem continues and you do not have these options or the settings above have not helped, please supply us with the following information together with a tracert file and DXDiag and MSInfo files:

-Your town and Country:
-Realm played:
-Internet Service Provider:
-How fast is your internet connection? :
-Modem model:
-Router model (if used):
-Do you share your connection?
-Connection used, USB, Ethernet or Wifi:
-Network card model if one is used:
-Have you experienced this problem on another realm?

To run a Trace Route to our log-in server:
- Click 'Start' and then 'Run'
- Type "command" and press Enter
- In the command window, type
tracert eu.logon.worldofwarcraft.com > C:\tracert.txt

A file will be created on your local drive (C called tracert.txt that contains the trace route information. Please be patient when waiting for the tracert command to complete as it may take several minutes. When you are returned to the command prompt, then the trace is complete. Please attach your tracert.txt to your reply for further analysis.

To obtain the systems diagnostic files, follow the instructions below:

Important Note: Please reboot your system prior to creating the DXDiag and MSInfo files.


1. Press the Windows Key + R
2. Type in DXDIAG and press Enter or click OK, this will open the DirectX diagnostic tool
3. Click on the Save All Information Button (save this file to your windows desktop and name it DXDiag).


1. Press the Windows Key + R
2. Type in MSINFO32 and press Enter or click OK, this will open the Microsoft system information tool (MSInfo).
3. Click on File and choose Export (save this file to your windows desktop as a text file and name it MSInfo). Please make sure to save this file as a .txt file and NOT as a .nfo file.

Attach the dxdiag.txt and msinfo.txt files to your reply.

If you have any further technical questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us again.



На проделание указаного уйдёт мин 30.
Но мне помогло :cool:



Не помогает(






Попробуй перезагрузитть комп роутер и тд и тп с отключением электричества мин на 5



за 5 днеи я много раз перезагружал)



Трансфериццо что-то не хочется, а походу придется :tired:



блин до меня дошло, у меня та же проблема))) только вчера всё работало...



Я вот подыскал уже сервер, только еще не выбрал между Kazzak и Stonemaul



Stonemaul русскии сервак в мизери бг. Кстати неадекватности в треиде не заметил, мне обстановку на серваке вежливо объяснили)



Блин, с RP/PVP нельзя на PVP?



Вайлд, мне помог банальный Repeir.exe....



с рп пвп можно на пвп. нельзя с пве/рппве на пвп/рппвп.



Зомг, я не могу зайти на Виндик :((( Retrieving character list.
Судя по горячим новостям, не только я :)






Не, никаких репейров, сервер виноват :) Так написано в Breaking News :)
ОМГ, ВИНДИК, СКОРО МЕНЯ ТУТ НЕ БУДЕТ!!!!!!!1111111адынадынадын



а да и Русские тоже, батл группа Шквал)


Вы здесь » Ultimum Refugium » Технический раздел » Не могу воити на сервера БГ vindication. Help